New Year’s Eve At Home How To Have Fun While Being Safe
The year 2020 may be coming to a close, but one thing that’s still lingering is, of course, the infamous virus we all wish to see go. However, despite the fact that we all need to stay home that doesn’t mean that we can’t have a great New Year’s Eve. Quite the opposite! We can all have a great time at home celebrating the holiday. You might not be able to spend the night at a club or with your whole family, but you’ll still have a festive and celebratory holiday. Here are some incredible ideas to help you have the best New Year’s Eve right in the comfort of your own home! Let’s bring in 2021 with a bang – a safe one, that is.
Make Brunch
Who doesn’t adore brunch? If anything, we think it’s the best meal. Why not include it in your plans for the last day of the year? It’ll make things so much better overall. A festive dish like strawberry cheesecake flapjacks is a wonderful choice. Of course, you need to include mimosas in the brunch to complete it. It’s never too early for champagne on New Year’s.
Decorate Your Home
Naturally, for any holiday to feel festive, you need to decorate your house accordingly. Order some decorations online for the holiday and get to decorating! This will make it feel more like a holiday. Think balloons, glitter, candles, or anything else you’d enjoy having around you.
Dress Up
No holiday will feel like one if you’re wearing loungewear. Make a point to dress up and put effort into it! Of course, if you feel most festive in your pajamas, we won’t judge you. If not, get your favorite dress and put it on, do your hair and makeup – go all out! Who cares if you’re the only one who sees it? You’re the one who should be enjoying it!
Write Down Your Resolutions
As the new year arrives, it’s nice to take a moment and think about what you want out of it. What you want to do, where you want to go, and so on. Seeing as you’re home this year, you’ll have plenty of time to think about your resolutions. Try covering a range of topics – not just thinking about your health or finances. Think broader. What about self-care, family, and friends? There is so much to think about. Get yourself ready for the best year yet.
Play a Game
The best part about parties is the games. Make sure you have a few games to play on New Year’s Eve. If you’re partying over Zoom online, don’t fret – there are plenty of games to play on Zoom, too! If your housemates are home, you can play games like bingo and Scattegories or even Monopoly.
Mix Up a Drink
Cocktails are a must-have for all New Year’s festivities whether they have alcohol or not. Look up some recipes and make ones you like. Think champagne cocktails like cherry bomb fizzes and the like!